Audit of Aleo ARC-0041
June 10th, 2024
On June 10th, 2024, zkSecurity spent four days reviewing the ARC-0041 proposal, including a full review of credits.aleo
No serious issues were found, and the proposal as well as the code changes were deemed well-documented and organized. We did not find any security vulnerabilities or issues with the implementation of credits.aleo
In the rest of this document we describe the scope and give an overview of the proposal and logic of credits.aleo
The audit included the official ARC document, and implementations of the changes:
- The
program insynthesizer/program/src/resources/credits.aleo
- changes related to ARC-31 contained in the finalize logic (
) and some helper methods:- rewards, (
) - committee, (
- rewards, (
The main branch of AleoNet/snarkVM was used, specifically the commit 0f382b6a2b553385eb53f3cb6869f2bc1039feb6
Overview of ARC-41
ARC-41 suggests modifying the process used to activate validators, specifically how they can enter and exit the committee.
The change allows external delegators to contribute the 10M credits required to become a validator (instead of a validator doing so themselves), effectively derisking the operation of a validator and decorrelating a validator key from its stake.
The validator now has to contribute a symbolic 100 credits to join or leave the committee.
The ARC-41 proposal comes in line with ARC-37, which previously allowed bonded funds to be withdrawn to a different address when unbonding. Both proposals now completely derisk a validator's private key, only tying it to 100 credits at a minimum.
Overview of credits.aleo
The credits.aleo
file is the main Aleo program (written in Aleo instructions) that encodes how the token and staking system works. This section gives a brief overview of its mechanism.
The state of the credits.aleo
program is stored in a number of mappings which can be seen as key-value stores.
Credits. At its core, the notion of a "credit" is the first primitive object created in the system, which represents Aleo's native token:
// The `credits` record is used to store credits privately.
record credits:
// The address of the owner.
owner as address.private;
// The amount of private microcredits that belong to the specified owner.
microcredits as u64.private;
There exists a few functions to manipulate credits privately, which assume (and it is enforced externally) that the caller owns any record being passed as argument:
transfer_private(record, recipient, amount) -> (record, record)
: splits a record into two new records: one for the recipient (with the given amount), and one for the original owner of the record (with the change)split(record, amount) -> (record, record)
: splits a record into two new records: one with the given amount, one with the change (minus a fee of 10 millicredits for increasing the size of the record pool)join(record, record) -> record
: consolidates two recordsfee_private(record, pub amount, pub priority_amount, pub exec_id) -> record
: removes two fees from a record, and exposes these fees
Public credits. Credits can also be stored in a public database of accounts, allowing public operations (like staking):
// The `account` mapping is used to store credits publicly.
mapping account:
// The key represents the address of the owner.
key as address.public;
// The value represents the amount of public microcredits that belong to the specified owner.
value as u64.public;
a number of functions are defined to operate on these public credits directly:
transfer_public(recipient, amount)
: performs a transfer between the sender and the recipient accountstransfer_public_as_signer
: same astransfer_public
but usesself.signer
instead ofself.account
(we touches on what this means later in this section)fee_public(amount, priority_amount, exec_id)
: same asfee_private
but acts on the public balance of theself.signer
account instead of private records
Transition from private to public. While credits can remain private by staying in the shielded pool, they can also be moved to the public database of accounts (or vice-versa) via the two functions: transfer_private_to_public(record, recipient, amount) -> record
and transfer_public_to_private(recipient, amount) -> record
Validators. A validator is first and foremost a participant in consensus. Normal addresses can become an active validator by having enough stake delegated to them. We differentiate between an inactive validator and an active validators:
- inactive validator: an address that is delegated to by other addresses or the address itself, but is not part of the committee of validators
- active validator: an address that is part of the committee of validators due to having >=10M credits delegated to it, including at least 100 credits by the address itself.
A validator can be represented by the tuple of keypairs (address, withdraw_address)
which are enforced to be different, and where different keypairs have different capabilities:
- the
keypair, associated to the main address, can self-delegate (viabond_validator
) without increasing the number of delegators - the
keypair (set by the first call tobond_validator
) can can unbond arbitrary delegators to theaddress
A validator can join the committee of active validators by waiting for enough credits to be delegated to them, and then calling bond_validator
with at least 100 credits, so that the delegated credits added to these 100 credits total to 10 million credits.
By doing that, they can also set their commission, which is the percentage of any block rewards that the validator can claim for themselves.
Bonding. Anyone can delegate to anyone by bonding their funds (via a call to bond_public
). That being said, you can only bond to a single validator at a time, and to bond to someone else you must first fully empty your bond by calling unbond_public
. You also can't delegate to a validator that is not open to new delegators (unless it's you or you have already bonded to them previously) or that is in the process of unbonding (even if it's you). The minimum amount to bond is 1 credit (via bond_public
), but you must at least start with 10k credits.
Unbonding. Recovering bonded funds can be done by calling unbond_public
. This action removes the funds instantly from the delegated funds of a validator, potentially removing them from the committee if they go below the threshold of 10M credits required. Note that a user that unbonds does not recover the funds instantly, as they stay locked for a certain period of time (i.e. 360 blocks) before the user can finally claim them (via the claim_unbond_public
We summarize the validator flow in the following diagram:
Withdraw address. Added in ARC-37, withdraw addresses decouple the owner of a bond from the address that can withdraw the bond. As such, unbonding is done by the associated withdraw address. In addition, the withdraw address of a validator (as explained above) can unbond arbitrary delegators to the validator.
As such there are three cases to the unbonding flow:
- a staker's associated withdraw address unbonds, potentially removing the delegated validator from the committee
- a validator unbonds all of the delegated funds from one of its delegators, potentially removing themselves from the committee
- a validator unbonds themselves, in which case they get removed from the committee
Note on self.signer
vs self.caller
. Some contracts use different features of Aleo to authorize diverse operations. In general, self.caller
allows an Aleo program (like a wallet as a smart contract) to control an account, whereas self.signer
forces a specific user to author a command.
For example:
is used intransfer_public_to_private
is used inbond_validator
List of State Transitions, Events, and Invariants
To facilitate analysis we list all the allowed state transition encoded in the credits.aleo
program, as well as events that it could emit:
bond_public(validator, withdraw_address, amount)
- emits a
BOND(staker, validator, amount)
event - increase the number of delegators if
was not bonded before
bond_validator(withdraw_address, amount_commission)
- emits a
event if the requirements are met and the validator was not already in the committee
unbond_public(staker_address, amount)
- emits a
event if all of the bonded funds under that staker_address are removed - adds
to the unbonded funds for thestaker_address
associated withdraw address. - emits a
with the validator delegated to, in case the validator does not meet the requirements to be in the committee anymore.
- emits a
event if withdrawaddress is removed / if everything bonded has been emptied out + claimed
- emits a
VALIDATOR_STATE(validator, state)
Given these state transitions and events, one can try to manually or formally verify a number of statements about the program. Here are some examples of properties that could be verified (including properties that were formulated as part of the documentation of credits.aleo
- You should not be able to delegate to a validator that is closed, unless you've already delegated to them.
- You should not be able to delegate to a validator that is unbonding.
- You should not be able to bond to two different validators at the same time (or in other word, there must be an
event between two differentBOND(a, v1, _)
andBOND(a, v2, _)
events). - You can only change withdraw address once you've unbonded everything.
- The amount delegated to a validator is the sum of the bonds to that validator.
- You should not be able to bond less than 10k credits (except if you're a validator, in which case you can bond 100 credits to yourself)
- A bond is always greater than 100.
- The delegated amount to any validator is always greater or equal to 10,000.
Committee participation.
- A validator that is in the committee cannot be unbonding.
- A validator who is part of the committee has at least 10M credits delegated to them, including 100 credits personally bonded.
- The set of delegated addresses is a superset of the validators in the committee.
- A self-bonded address is always part of the committee.
- A bond of less than 10,000 is a self-bond.
- The total delegated amount for an active validator is at least 10,000,000 credits.
Credits and global values.
- Credits cannot be lost or created out of thin air (conservation of value): the total amount of credits in circulation is the total listed in the accounts map, plus the total listed in the delegated map, plus the total listed in the unbond map(, plus the total amount of private credit records).
should always represent the number of delegators, which is the length of the bonded map minus the length of the committee map.metadata[COMMITTEE_SIZE]
should always represent the size of the committee, which is the length of the committee map..- There can never be more than 100,000 delegators at the same time (not including self-bonds).
- The sum of the delegated map is equal to the sum of the bonded map.
Calculation of Rewards
We illustrate how block rewards are calculated for the validator and its delegators:
Potential Issues and Strategic Recommendations
ARC-41 is not up to date. We recommend updating the ARC-41 proposal with the actual changes made in the code since then to more accurately reflect the update.
Finalize logic. We looked at the changes related to the ARC-41 proposal, which were mostly contained in #2453. In synthesizer/src/vm/finalize.rs
the logic fails to retrieve the proper validator addresses as it collects the first input of the private part of the bond_validator
function rather than the finalize function:
fn prepare_for_execution(store: &FinalizeStore<N, C::FinalizeStorage>, execution: &Execution<N>) -> Result<()> {
// Construct the program ID.
let program_id = ProgramID::from_str("credits.aleo")?;
// Construct the committee mapping name.
let committee_mapping = Identifier::from_str("committee")?;
// Check if the execution has any `bond_validator` transitions, and collect
// the unique validator addresses if so.
// Note: This does not dedup for existing and new validator addresses.
let bond_validator_addresses: HashSet<_> = execution
.filter_map(|transition| match transition.is_bond_validator() {
// Check the first input of the transition for the validator address.
true => match transition.inputs().first() {
Some(Input::Public(_, Some(Plaintext::Literal(Literal::Address(address), _)))) => Some(address),
_ => None,
false => None,
In addition, the code can in theory fail open by returning None
if there is a further issue with the inputs of the transition.
Complexity of unbond_public
. Most of the complexity (and thus opportunities for bugs) in credits.aleo
comes from the unbond_public
function which aggregates many flows (a validator unbonds a delegator, or themselves, or a delegator unbond themselves) and relies on a number of implied assumptions. While we did not find any issues with the logic, it could be a good idea to split the function into smaller functions to make it easier to reason about.